Many People in Switzerland Have Disputes with Neighbors

Many People in Switzerland Have Disputes with Neighbors

In Switzerland, nearly one in three people have disagreements with their neighbors. These conflicts can be about many things like playing loud music late at night, using the laundry room for too long, or mowing the lawn on Sundays. There are many rules, both written and unwritten, about how to live peacefully with others in this country. A new survey from the Marketagent Institute in Zurich shows how common these disputes are.

Some Have Poor Relationships with Neighbors

The survey included 1,047 people living in Switzerland, whether they rent or own their homes. About one-third of them have argued with their neighbors. While 68 percent of the respondents said they have at least a fairly good relationship with their neighbors, and 20 percent reported a good relationship, 6 percent said their relationship with their neighbors is bad or very bad.

Main Reasons for Disputes

One common belief is that you shouldn’t flush your toilet at night to avoid disturbing your neighbors. The survey found that “excessive noise” is the most common reason for neighbor disputes. Other common reasons include arguments over laundry schedules, parking rule violations, property boundaries, and improper use of shared spaces.

How People Handle Disputes

When there are disputes, 43 percent of the respondents chose to talk to their neighbors directly. Seven percent called the police, while 24 percent decided to keep their problems to themselves. A third of the people in disputes said that these tensions made them feel stressed.

Why Disputes Happen

Most people believe they are right in these arguments. In the survey, 80 percent said their neighbors were to blame for the disputes. This might be why there are so many conflicts. As the American poet Robert Frost said, “good fences make good neighbors.”

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