Swiss Guest’s Fire Alarm Stunt to Enter Hotel Leads to Legal Trouble

Swiss Guest’s Fire Alarm Stunt to Enter Hotel Leads to Legal Trouble

A person from Switzerland set off a fire alarm at a hotel in an attempt to get inside. Imagine arriving at a hotel very late at night after a tiring taxi ride from the airport. If no one is there to give you a room key, you might feel a bit impatient and just want to go to sleep. But this one person in a hotel in Canton Zurich took things too far. He couldn’t remember his code to enter the hotel, so he decided to pull the fire alarm to get help.

This happened on January 29 at 5:54 in the morning at a hotel in Effretikon, Canton Zurich. Even though he had already checked in, the 42-year-old man from Bern forgot the code to open the door, and there was nobody at the front desk to help him.

It was extremely cold outside, and he couldn’t get into the hotel. Then, he had an idea that seemed good at the time. He thought the fire department, which helps in emergencies, would come and help him get into the building. That way, he could sleep for a few hours before he had to leave the hotel. So, he quickly pulled the fire alarm and waited for the firemen to arrive.

The local emergency volunteers, who had been woken up from their sleep, came to the hotel. But there was no fire, only a man who was very cold. The man asked the firemen to let him into his room, but they said no. The noise from the fire alarm caused problems for other hotel guests and people who lived nearby, too.

The man now faces serious trouble because of what he did. According to the laws of Switzerland, if someone causes a false alarm to emergency services without a good reason, they can be fined or even sent to jail. Despite how funny this might sound, it’s a big issue. The man admitted that what he did was not right. A local court ordered him to pay a fine and cover the legal costs, which amount to 1,400 Swiss francs. The lesson here is that setting off a fire alarm isn’t a solution to problems.

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