Swiss Referendums June 2024: A Guide for Expats
On June 9, Swiss citizens will cast their votes on four national referendums, including one on capping health insurance costs. Here’s what you need to know about these upcoming referendums and how they affect expats.
Understanding the Referendums
In March 2024, Switzerland held national referendums, and now, on June 9, people across Swiss cities and cantons will vote on four new proposals. Two pertain to health insurance costs, one addresses energy policies, and the last focuses on medical consent rules.
- Premium Relief Initiative (Prämien-Entlastungs-Initiative)
This initiative aims to cap the cost of basic health insurance, ensuring individuals spend no more than 10% of their annual salary or income on premiums. The plan involves subsidies from both federal and cantonal governments to keep premiums affordable.
- Cost Brake Initiative (Kostenbremse-Initiative)
This initiative also concerns health insurance premiums, proposing that increases be linked to salaries and economic growth. If premiums rise faster than wages over a two-year period, cost-cutting measures would be required from both the government and Swiss cantons.
- Changes to Swiss Energy Policy
The proposed amendment to the Swiss Energy Act and Electricity Supply Act aims to boost energy production through renewables, including funding for solar panels and streamlining planning permission for wind and solar farms.
- “For Freedom and Physical Integrity” Popular Initiative
This initiative seeks to protect individuals’ freedom to make medical decisions, particularly regarding vaccinations. It emphasizes that individuals should not face punishment or disadvantages for refusing medical interventions.
Implications and Counter-Proposals
Both initiatives have garnered support and opposition, with counter-proposals offering alternative solutions. For instance, a counter-referendum proposes a minimum subsidy for premiums if the Premium Relief Initiative is rejected.
Switzerland Votes
Mark your calendars for June 9 as Switzerland heads to the polls. Stay informed and make your voice heard on these critical issues. The next set of referendums is scheduled for September 22, 2024.