Zurich Among Top 3 Most Peaceful Cities in the World, Study Finds

Zurich Among Top 3 Most Peaceful Cities in the World, Study Finds

Zurich is one of the top cities in the world for living a peaceful life, according to a new ranking by Compare the Market. This study looked at factors like crime rates, access to nature, and how calm the city feels. Zurich got praised for its low crime levels and beautiful scenery.

The ranking looked at 50 cities worldwide to see which ones offer the most peaceful and relaxing lifestyle. They checked things like crime rates, the availability of walking trails and yoga studios, how safe people feel in the city, and how crowded it is. Zurich scored well in all these areas.

According to the study, the best city for a quiet life is Graz in Austria, followed by Canberra in Australia. Zurich came in third place. The study liked Graz for its pretty buildings and lots of history, while Canberra got praised for its calm atmosphere.

In Zurich, people love the city’s parks and outdoor activities. The report mentions Lake Zurich, where you can take a leisurely walk or bike ride, and even swim in the summer. They also recommend hiking on Uetliberg, a nearby hill.

This ranking is another feather in Zurich’s cap, as it’s already been recognized for its high quality of life in Europe. But living in Zurich can be expensive, as many residents will tell you.

Here’s the list of the top 10 cities for a quiet life, according to Compare the Market:

  1. Graz
  2. Canberra
  3. Zurich
  4. Sydney
  5. Helsinki
  6. Vienna
  7. Brno
  8. Munich
  9. Copenhagen
  10. Stockholm

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